Love was in the air

Published 12:01 am Saturday, February 15, 2014

Probate Judge Ben Bowden, center, was all smiles as he pronounced Lori and Mark Spivey husband and wife. Theirs was one of eight ceremonies he officiated on Valentine’s Day.

Probate Judge Ben Bowden, center, was all smiles as he pronounced Lori and Mark Spivey husband and wife. Theirs was one of eight ceremonies he officiated on Valentine’s Day.

8 couples tie knots on Valentine’s Day

Lori A. Sasser and Mark Spivey were planning to get married in June.

But this week, they thought, “Why wait, it’s Valentine’s Day,” and besides, the sound of Feb. 14, 2014 for an anniversary appealed to them.

So on Friday, they found themselves among the eight couples for whom Probate Judge Ben Bowden officiated ceremonies.

“This is going to be a surprise,” Mrs. Spivey said. “Everybody knew we were going to get married, but nobody knew we were coming here today.”

That is, except for one of Mrs. Spivey’s co-workers at First Franklin Financial in Opp, who had to be told so the couple could slip over to Andalusia for their nuptials. Even Mrs. Spivey’s twin sister wasn’t in on the surprise.

“I think I better call my mom,” Mark Spivey said after being photographed for the newspaper.

The newlyweds said they couldn’t remember a time when they didn’t know each other.

“We’ve known each other since elementary school,” Mrs. Spivey said. “I’ve thought he was cute my entire life.”

But Mark Spivey was two years ahead of his bride in school, and they never dated in high school.

But last spring, with the help of some friends who knew each was single, they renewed the acquaintance. They said they got closer during football season – specifically, watching Alabama football together – and had planned to get married this summer. But those plans changed.

“We’ll still have a reception, maybe in June,” Mrs. Spivey said.

The date was special for another reason. It was the birthday of Mrs. Spivey’s late mother, Kathy Sasser.

She is also the daughter of Virgil and Cynthia Sasser. Mark Spivey is the son of Mickey and Shirley Spivey, all of Opp.

Bowden said eight couples had scheduled weddings Friday.

“It’s OK if some more drop in,” he said. “I love to do this.”