Cedar Grove Church luncheon honors senior adults

Published 12:00 am Saturday, February 22, 2014

Peeping through my Venetian blind and seeing the tulip trees in bloom across the way at Covington Hall, I thought, “It’s only a month until spring arrives officially.” Then I recalled the snowstorm that fell one March and I shivered, remembering what Henry Van Dyke said, “The first day of spring is one thing, and the first spring day is another.”

Last week I was out of town to celebrate the 95th birthday of William Cecil Wingard, who has now lived longer than anyone else in his branch of the Wingards since their arrival in America January 25, l753.

Mr. Wingard, who has a good mind and good health, still drives himself to Sunday School and church, to the store, to eat out, to the doctor, and to shop. He studies the Bible and his Sunday-School lessons faithfully.

To celebrate his birthday, his immediate family treated him to the seafood buffet at the Fantail above Montgomery Saturday, February 8. His actual birthday is February ll.

Present were his five sons, Joe, Bill, Bob, Paul, and Dave, Bob’s wife Veronica, Paul’s wife Donna and their Cindy, Cindy’s husband, Dale Woodard, their son Cole Allen, Donna’s son Henry Mann and his wife Gretchen, and her mother, Shirley Kennedy.

Afterwards, at the family home in Montgomery, amid party decorations, cake and ice cream, provided by Bob and Veronica, were served.

Mr. Wingard was showered with cards and gifts.

Fifty Forward, the senior adults of First Baptist Church, East Three-Notch, met February l8 in Fellowship Hall for their monthly luncheon.

The speaker was a member of the congregation, David Craft, who brought with him his wife Gayle (Jones), both originally from Opp. A graduate of Opp High School, Craft is the nephew of our own Judy (Ward) Buck.

The Crafts have three daughters, aged 26, 23, and 21.

Craft spoke about his job as chief instructor at the Alabama Aviation Center in Andalusia and encouraged the senior adults to enlist youth to make a career in aviation repair.

Craft completed 27 years in the Air Force, retiring in 2011.

Presiding was Gordon Vickers, director of senior adults at FBC.

The blessing was worded by Herb Carlisle; the benediction by Dr. Fred Karthaus, preacher at FBC.

Tables were decorated in a valentine theme with centerpieces of candy hearts (popular with a certain preacher), white lace/red heart placemats, pink newsletters, valentine napkins, and religious poetry, all appointed prettily by Trudy Vickers, assisted by Kittye Wyatt and Betty Bass.

Wages of River Falls catered the meal of ham, cabbage, black-eyed peas, cornbread and rolls, and red-velvet cake.

Seen in a huddle, playing dominoes before lunch, were Gillis “the Combman” Jones, Dr. Morgan Moore (chairman of the Senior Adults Council), Herb “the Barbecue King” Carlisle, and Joe Wingard.

Fifty Forward also traveled recently to the Old Barn in Goshen for food, fellowship, and fun. The Old Barn is one of the few places where one can order quail.

This eating establishment is rich with nostalgia, charm, and character.

Attending were Gillis and Laura Ann Jones, Neal (who drove the church bus) and Jennifer Dansby, Kittye Wyatt, Bill Law, R. K. and Rose Marie Price, Dr. Morgan and Wilma Moore, Graham and Peggy Tucker, Herb and Sue Carlisle, Vivian Hickey, Annette Burt, June Smith, Bea Miller, the alliterative Buddy and Betty Brunson, Rebecca Langford, Irene Butler, Charlie Cope, and Gordon and Trudy Vickers.

Senior members of Cedar Grove Church of Christ were honored February 9 with a Sunday luncheon in their Fellowship Hall. This “Golden-Age-Banquet” tradition dates back to 1966.

To express appreciation to the “goldenagers,” the hosts and hostesses served a delicious dinner, presented Johnny Brewer, playing trumpet selections, gave the ladies hand-crafted coasters, and gave the men matching mugs with mixes for instant cake, prepared by Heather Blackwell and Kriston Bush, who coordinated the event.

Young people and young adults served as waiters.

The hall was decorated with red, black, and white colors and with extra-large bell jars and hurricane lamps, holding candles.

Guests were registered, seated, and then welcomed by the minister, Eddie Boggess, who worded the invocation.

The Murals Committee met the afternoon of February 6 in City Hall, formerly the second brick Andalusia schoolhouse.

Present were Elaine Manning, Nancy Robbins, Willie Thomas, Mary Lee Howard, David Fuqua, Joe Wingard, Barbara Tyler (representing the city), and Pat Palmore, the chairman, who opened the meeting with prayer.

Fuqua read a poem from the Internet that mentions the murals in Andalusia, written by Johnny Cobb, a pharmacist in Mobile, and Joe Wingard’s first cousin. Fuqua also reported on funding.

Barbara Tyler made a report.

The domino mural was discussed.

Mrs. Palmore made committee assignments.

Barbara (Meredith) Nichols shared information about the proposed law-enforcement mural. She was praised by the committee for her extensive and detailed work, interest, and dedication.

Additional members to the committee were recommended.

Simone’s Restaurant looked festive for Valentine’s Day. Each table was covered with a red candle, paper hearts of red and pink, and a vase with a single, red rose, greenery, baby’s breath, and white ribbon, imprinted with tiny red hearts.

Seen at the Cracker Barrel in Greenville were Robert and Louise Anderson. On the special menu at the Barrel were listed “sliders,” made with Sister Schubert rolls. I beamed with pride!

Gentle reader, I was asked to “check out” an address on YouTube, listed under Nigel Lloyd Pemberton. I was told I would find excellent satire, especially one essay entitled, “Moon Pies Are from Tennessee.” I don’t even know what YouTube is. I don’t even own a computer, but some friends let me listen to the essay. It was both clever and funny. I suggest you “check it out.”

The Covington Rifles Camp 1586 of the Sons of Confederate Veterans met February 6 in the Dixon Memorial of the Andalusia Public Library for their monthly meeting.

Presiding was lst Lt. Commander Vaughn Bowers.

Also in attendance were Derick Davis, Larry Shaw, Jimmy Cobb, Randy “R” Kelley, Ruth (Kelley) Walker, “Hank” Roberts, Kelly Veasey, and Joe Wingard.

The chaplain, Hank Roberts, led in prayer.

Derick Davis, adjutant, led in pledges to the three flags.

Randy Kelley led “Dixie,” assisted at the piano by his sister, Ruth Walker of Nashville, formerly principal of Opp High School.

Kelley, again assisted by his sister at the piano, then sang a song he had sung at a funeral in Montgomery earlier this day for a friend known to him as his “Aunt.” What made the song extra special was that Kelley had written the lyrics and his wife, Sherry (Parker), had written the music. The beautiful song was “Living Forever.”

Bowers shared a bronze, memorial marker to be placed at his grandmother’s grave, recognizing her as the daughter of a Confederate soldier. Similar markers can be purchased to connect the deceased to their Confederate heritage.

Bowers’s grandmother, Mrs. Day, is buried in Pine Level Cemetery in Coffee County.

A program followed on “Stonewall” Jackson, presented by Chaplain Roberts.

Discussion followed.

The meeting concluded with refreshments, brownies sent by Wanda Davis and cookies brought by Larry Shaw.

The Covington County Education Retirees Association (retired teachers) assembled February 5 at Straughn Middle School for their monthly meeting.

Sharon Dye, president, welcomed each member with a valentine.

The teachers at SMS, as busy as they were, had taken time to prepare refreshments for their retired friends. Lee Lumpkin of the SMS office staff coordinated the buffet, which included meatballs, party sausages, vegetables with dip, chips with dip, apples with dip, cheese balls, pastries, grapes, cakes, cookies, nuts, cheeses, tea, sodas, and coffee.

Youth from the Student Council greeted the retirees.

Geraldine Boothe of Opp worded the devotional and prayer. Mrs. Dye presented flowers to Mrs. Boothe, a former president of CCERA, because of her recent birthday, January 8, when Mrs. Boothe turned 90.

Seth Richards, assistant principal of SMS and Straughn Elementary School, welcomed the CCERA.

Following the pledge to the flag, members heard the minutes read by Glenda Presley. The recent deaths of faithful members, Murray and Nan Johnson, were mentioned. Memorials are to be sent in their memories.

The treasurer Kim Dyess read his report.

Jenny Pitts was recognized as a new member.

Committee reports followed.

A slate of officers was presented for the next two years:  Peggy Mobley, president; Terry Holley, vice-president; Elaine Chavers, secretary; and Kim Dyess, treasurer.

Mrs. Mobley has twice served as president and twice as vice-president of AEA.

The new officers are set to be installed in March, Lord willing.

The annual state meeting of retirees is set for April l – no fooling!

The program, an update on the Alabama Education Association, was presented by Janice Charlesworth, executive secretary of the Alabama ERA in Montgomery.

Signing in were Sharon Dye, Larry Presley, Glenda Presley, Lucy M. Conner, Gwendolyn Jessie, Peggy Mobley, Allen and Marlene Miller, Geraldine Boothe, Gaylen Sims, Earl and Dot Jones, Ethel M. Robertson, Terry Holley, Dean Morris, Barbara Reynolds, Kim Dyess, Jenny Pitts, Evelyn Larigan, Rosalyn Wright, Elaine Chavers, and Joe Wingard.

Put on your calendars the upcoming high-school production of The Music Man, scheduled for March l, 2, and 3 in the Andalusia High School Auditorium. Our own Paula Sue Duebelt, assisted by our own Sue Wilson and a “cast of thousands,” are working with our youth and adults to produce a memorable performance.

The celebration of the War of 1812 (1812 – 1815) continues.

Again, I ask that citizens of Andalusia join the Covington Historical Society and pay its annual dues of $25 to help preserve the history of our county, whether you attend meetings or not. Mail to CHS, P.O. Box 1582, Andalusia, Alabama 36420. Include your Kimberly Renee Samiu

Olivia McCall and Paulo Samiu of Florala announce the birth of their daughter, Kimberly Renee Samiu. She was born on Feb. 1, 2014, at Andalusia Regional Hospital. She weighed seven pounds, and was 20 inches long.

Her maternal grandparents are Delesline McCall and Barry McCall of Florala, Ala., and DeFuniak Springs, Fla.

Her paternal grandparents are Mikaele Samiu and Sina Samiu of American Samoa.

She was welcomed by her two older brothers, Ashton MCall, 2, and Paulo Samiu Jr., 1.e-mail address if you wish to be reminded of upcoming meetings.

To commemorate the Sesquicentennial of the War Between the States, let us return to the past two weeks l50 years ago.

Union prisoners escaped Libby Prison in Richmond, Virginia. About half were recaptured.

Sherman, a Northern general, reached Meridian, Mississippi, and did much damage to the city, especially to the railroads, after which he returned to Vicksburg, already captured by the North.

President Jefferson Davis of the Confederacy and his vice-president, Alexander Stephens, argued over ideals.

The H. L. Hunley, a Southern semi-submersible ship, sank the Union Housatonic and itself.

Confederate troops under Nathan Bedford Forrest, the most outstanding commander of guerrilla forces in the War, scattered Northern troops in Mississippi.

For those who collect stamps, consider those associated with the War of 1812 and the Sesquicentennial of “the War.”

The mysterian is a bald-headed man who was struck over the head with a walking stick (his own, I think) in our public square by a man who was angry at the victim. The wound became infected, and the man died. Who was he?

Birthdays this week are those of Charles Lamb, an English essayist; Thomas Edison, the American inventor who said that genius was “l percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration”; Jack Benny, an American comedian, known for his love of money and the way he could say, “well”; John Barrymore, an American actor, the grandfather of Drew Barrymore, known as the “Great Profile”; David Garrick, an English actor; George Washington, our first president, one who could not tell a lie, unlike some who followed in his office; James Russell Lowell, an American poet; and Frederic Chopin, a Polish pianist and composer.

February l5 was the anniversary of “Remember the Maine,” recalling an American ship sunk in Cuba.

February l8 Jefferson Davis, first and only president of the Confederate States of America, was inaugurated. One can stand on the spot at the Capitol in Montgomery.

Washington was eulogized by Henry “Light-Horse Harry” Lee, the father of Gen. Robert E. Lee, as “First in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen.”

Now, gentle reader, allow me to join Buffalo Bob Smith in encouraging each of us to be in his place of worship this weekend, Lord willing.

Fare thee well.