Opp police rewarding people ‘caught being good’

Published 12:41 am Saturday, February 22, 2014

If you see flashing lights in your rearview mirror, it’s typically not a great sign, but if you are driving in Opp, it may actually be a good thing.

Opp Chief of Police Mike McDonald said the city has begun handing out “attaboy tickets,” to drivers in town who are observing the rules of the road, being safe and driving in an all-around courteous manner. And yes, they may actually pull you over to reward you.

“People are really liking it,” McDonald said. “We might just pull up beside you and give you one just for being a courteous driver, or because we saw you doing something the right way and just being a safe driver.”

Opp Mayor John Bartholomew announced the campaign Monday night, and said motorists that are selected will be rewarded with a coupon for a free hamburger at the Opp Hardee’s. Bartholomew said the campaign is being conducted in conjunction with the Opp Hardee’s location at no cost to the city.