Friday Zumbathon supports Cancer Freeze

Published 12:00 am Thursday, March 6, 2014

The annual Cancer Freeze event has come and gone this year, but efforts to support locals battling the disease will continue this weekend in Andalusia.

McKenna Fore, a fitness instructor at Andalusia Health and Fitness, said the first Cacner Freeze Zumbathon event will take place tomorrow at Andalusia Elementary School.

Fore said the event, which will be held from 6 until 8 p.m., will include six local certified fitness instructors, as well as a local kickboxing teacher. Admission to the two-hour class is $10, with 100 percent of the proceeds going to benefit local patients Megan Kelley, Bailey Byrd, Shaun Morgan and Kennedy Cleghorn.

Fore said door prizes and water will be handed out and donations will be taken for those who would like to help, but don’t want to participate in the event.

“For people who don’t want to do the Zumba or don’t have time, we are doing what we call shout out posters,” she said. “For a donation, you can write whatever message you would like to any of the four recipients, and all of the money goes to them.”

Fore said the class will consist of a sign-in period, a brief warm-up period and approximately two hours of Zumba, with a mini kickboxing session for those who would like to participate.

Fore said the event was organized because of a love for the local patients.

“These people are all part of our community,” she said. “We see the pain on their faces, where normally, there would be a smile. It breaks our hearts and we want to help so bad, so (some instructors) got together to decide what we could do to help.”

Other instructors are Blair Hancock, Rachel Ballard and Erica Perry.

Tomorrow’s event will be held in the AES gymnasium.