Police seeking new vehicle in child abduction case

Published 2:30 pm Friday, March 7, 2014

Police in Crestview, Fla. are continuing to reach out to the public for help locating a missing three-year-old boy abducted yesterday just before noon.

CPD Lt. Andrew Schneider said Emmanuel Menz was taken from a Crestview Burger King Thursday by his parents, who do not have custodial rights. Initially, the suspects were thought to be traveling in a tan 2009 Dodge Caravan, but Friday Schneider said a new vehicle is being sought.

Emmanuel Menz

Emmanuel Menz

“Early this morning, the Crestview Police Department located the suspect vehicle (2009 Dodge Caravan) parked in the rear of a Cracker Barrel in Crestview,” Schneider said. “It has been discovered that the suspects have rented a 2013 Ford F250 Uhaul Van, which was believed to have been parked at the Cracker Barrel before the abduction.”

Police officials said the circumstances surrounding the renting of the vehicle suggests the suspects, 50-year-old Karl R. Menz and 49-year-old Virginia M. Lynch, planned the abduction ahead of time.

“After Emmanuel was taken from the Burger King, it is believed the two suspects relocated to the Cracker Barrel, and then departed the area in the Uhaul Van, traveling in an unknown direction,” Schneider said.

The Uhaul Van in question has an Arizona license plate reading AE86502. The van has an identifying number of BE5700R, which should be clearly displayed on all sides of the vehicle.

Thursday, Schneider told The Star-News it is important that communities like Andalusia be aware of the situation and that residents keep their eyes open, especially since a direction of travel has not been determined.

Police are also working to obtain video of the vehicle from local businesses in order to determine what direction they are traveling in. Authorities said it is important to remember the child is autistic and may not be able to speak clearly.

Karl R. Menz

Karl R. Menz

Virginia M. Lynch

Virginia M. Lynch

Anyone who sees or has any information on the suspects is asked to call 911 immediately, or contact CPD at 850.682.2055.