Warrants: Oxy Contin for sex acts

Published 12:03 am Saturday, March 22, 2014

New details have emerged in the case of Jason Curry, a now former Andalusia Police investigator who was arrested Wednesday on drug and prostitution charges.

According to arrest warrants, Curry was found to be in possession of two Oxy Contin 40-milligram pills, which he attempted to provide to an Alabama Bureau of Investigation informant in return for sexual activities. Curry was also found to be in possession of a Glock 27 handgun at the time of his arrest. He was taken into custody on charges of possession of a controlled substance, distribution of a controlled substance and prostitution, and booked into the Covington County Jail on a $165,000 bond.

Later Wednesday night, Curry’s father, 59-year-old Otis R. Curry, was also arrested on two counts of distribution of a controlled substance and was booked into the jail on a $200,000 bond.

Thursday, Andalusia Mayor Earl V. Johnson and Interim Police Chief Paul Hudson announced Curry has been relieved of duty, adding a pre-determination hearing will be set within the next several days to determine whether further disciplinary action should be taken in this matter.

Dean Argo, government relations manager for the Alabama Beverage Control Board, said ABC officers and agents with the Alabama Bureau of Investigation assisted with the arrests at the request of the Covington County District Attorney’s Office. Argo said no further information could be released at this time, as the investigation is ongoing.