Carolina, Hopewell ISOs improve

Published 12:00 am Saturday, May 10, 2014

Carolina and Hopewell volunteer fire departments both received good news this week from the Insurance Services Office (ISO).

Carolina Fire Chief David Fite said Friday the CVFD received a new ISO rating of 5-5X and is less than five points shy of receiving a 4.

“This will go into effect around the end of June 2014,” he said. “I would like to thank all of my firemen for their hard work and dedication and also thanks to their families for supporting us.”

Fite said for Carolina to receive the 5 rating, the ISO organization had to look aT several things.

“The ISO had to look into our water supply and with the new tank in the Carolina area (it) helped our flow test,” he said. “The E911 dispatch office had a big part in the rating, without them, finding some of the areas we had to go would be very difficult. Some of the other things we are rated on was our equipment, response times and hours of training.”

Fite said if the department is able to work on more types of training such as the state certification or NIMS classes along with the purchase of more up-to-date equipment will help in the ISO.

For homeowners and businesses in the service area, this could mean lower insurance premiums.

Hopewell received a 6-6x rating, which is an improvement from its 8-9 rating.

Longtime chief Jerry Wilson, who has retired his position, but is still active, said the improved rating is “really good.”

Wilson also encouraged members of the community to find out who serves them.