Food drive giving declines

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Despite heavy rains and some mix-ups in the mail, Saturday’s 22nd annual National Association of Letter Carriers food drive had local organizations picking up donations through Monday afternoon.

“It wasn’t as good as it has been in the past, but we still have people picking up food today,” said Diane Childers, supervisor at the U.S. Post Office in Andalusia. “It rained pretty hard Saturday, and we had some of the bags and cards that didn’t get sent out the way they were supposed to, but we still did pretty good and we’re hoping to do even better next year.”

Childers said she didn’t have an exact number of pounds of food collected, because organizations spent the day Saturday transporting food from carriers directly to the people in need.

“The food was picked up by Crossover Ministries, St. Mary’s (Episcopal Church) and the Christian Service Center,” she said.

Todd Sasser, director of Crossover Ministries, said the organization collected 500-to-600 pounds of food this year. And while it is a decrease from last year, Sasser said the ministry is blessed by each and every pound.

“God has just blessed us with that 500 or 600 pounds,” Sasser said. “We want to thank each and every person that donated food.”

The NALC food drive, dubbed “Stamp Out Hunger,” is the largest single-day collection of canned goods in the nation.