Man gets 25 years for rape

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, May 14, 2014

A man arrested in 2012 for attempting to rape and elderly woman has been sentenced to 25 years in prison after pleading guilty Monday in circuit court.

Christopher Lee Steadman, 23, pleaded guilty to attempted rape I in front of Circuit Judge Ashley McKathan. Steadman was arrested by Andalusia police officers in December of 2012 after he broke into the home of an elderly woman and attempted to rape her. The victim was able to fight Steadman off and call 911. He was later located by police officers who observed multiple scratch marks on him.

In addition to 25 years in prison, Steadman has will be required to comply with the Sex Offender Registration and Notification act upon his release.

Prosecuting attorney and Assistant District Attorney Grace Jeter said Steadman’s victim endured a severe trauma.

“To be attacked in your own home, as this victim was, is unspeakably horrible,” Jeter said. “Despite that, she had the presence of mind and the will to fight, claw and scratch her attacker, and he fled from her home. She immediately called 911, saying that he should be easily recognizable by the scratch marks on his face and body. This woman was and remains truly strong, and I am thankful that she no longer has to be afraid of Steadman. Crimes against those victims deemed the weakest – children and the elderly – are the most heart-wrenching ones we see.”