Was Tutwiler his ‘Damascus?’
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, May 14, 2014
We often laugh at the things that come out of the mouths of children, but for the most part, what they think is what you get to hear.
Case in point: On Mother’s Day, my mother graciously gave my grandmother her gift and expressed her gratitude to her for being the best mom in the world.
My sassy 4-year-old, who thinks she’s more like 14, chimed in with her correction that her momma was, in fact, the best in the world.
That was truly an “awh” moment for me. She could have forgone the nice present and card with a compliment like that.
I’m sure nearly everyone believes his/her mother is the best, but for me, to be put in to the same category with my grandmother was a huge honor.
In all my life, I’ve never met someone with a greater servant’s heart than she has. She genuinely loves helping others. She’s reared or helped rear nine children from her baby sister to her great grandchildren. She’s humble and honorable.
Very few times in my life have I ever seen her mad enough to lash out at others.
Though, she has gotten after my sisters and me with her favorite peach tree switches or a fly swatter for misbehaving.
She commanded a lot of respect, but in a loving way, of course.
She’s always been a Golden Rule-type of person, and never one for conflict.
I strive every day to treat others as she does. However, I often fail miserably.
She loves her family, and at 87, she’s determined to live many more years. I certainly hope she gets her wish.
The week I came back to work in Andalusia, my grandmother – Nanny, as I call her, gave us all a scare, and at one point we weren’t sure we would have one more week with her, but she’s still here.
So, on Sunday, Mother’s Day was a little more special than usual. It was celebrated with joy because we had our rock with us.
I certainly hope I can be half the mother, grandmother, sister, aunt, friend, she has been to countless people in her life.