Opp teen lobbies council for spot

Published 12:51 am Tuesday, June 3, 2014

A concerned Opp teenager is taking the initiative to help find his peers a safe place to have fun in their community.

At Monday’s regular city council meeting, Tyler Lubert asked council members to consider helping him, monetarily or otherwise, find a spot for “older teens” like himself to gather.

“I want to ask you to consider helping us find a place for the older teens in our community to go maybe two nights a week and after football games,” Lubert said. “Somewhere we can have fun in a safe, controlled environment.”

Lubert said his family recently held a gathering for teens, with a focus on them enjoying themselves without the temptation of drugs and alcohol that might otherwise be present, adding he wants to secure a more permanent location for such activities.

While council members made no decisions on the matter Monday, they commended Lubert for his community awareness and willingness to be a voice for teenagers in Opp.

Councilman T.D. Morgan also suggested Lubert meet with members of the Opp Cultural Arts Center to discuss any possibilities of a partnership before more concrete decisions are made on the matter.