Students learn about Jersey cows

Published 12:00 am Friday, June 20, 2014


Got Milk? The Andalusia Public Library had gallons of it Thursday at their summer reading program where Jersey Joe, a Jersey dairy cow, made a pit stop to help teach children about the importance of dairy products.

MiChaela Sanders with Southwest Dairy Farmers, said she and Jersey Joe tour on a regular basis, stopping at schools, libraries and other facilities to spread the message of the wonders of dairy.

Sanders gave kids in the audience a quick rundown of how dairy cows contribute to, not only healthy diets, but the overall health of many farms all over the world.

And the message wasn’t lost on the crowd of children in attendance, which paid strict attention as Jersey Joe was milked using a device Sanders called, “the claw.”

So what was the most interesting part of the dairy cow presentation? Amai Larkin said that was an easy answer: “Milking it,” he said. “It has four stomachs!”

Ambreaunna Pauley was far more impressed by Jersey Joe’s intake than by the milk she produces.

“It eats a lot,” Pauley said.

Alexxus Peacock was taken by the claw device.

“I liked that tube they got on the cow, but I don’t how it got the milk out,” she said.

Officials with APL’s summer reading program said a special thanks goes out to Southwestern Dairy Farmers, as well as Andalusia’s Sonic Drive In for supplying ice cream cones, and Covington Taxi and Delivery for supplying bottled water.

To learn more about dairy cows or to schedule a visit from Jersey Joe and company, Sanders said the public can visit


