Think about what kind of faith you have
Published 12:00 am Saturday, August 30, 2014
By Mike Wilcox
What kind of faith do you have?
Faith has everything to do with what you believe.
Hopefully all of our faith is changing.
When we first get saved (repent asking for Gods’ forgiveness), our faith might be a bit weak. The more we put God to the test of trusting Him more and more from His word, our faith should grow.
We might be a new Christian and say I know God can, but. Then we learn God will answer all of our prayers and because He loves us so much he only gives us the best answer. So, we learn God answered with a no, or a wait, (those who wait upon the Lord). Seldom do we see our prayers answered right when we pray them. God’s timing is awesome. So, back to the question what kind of faith do you have?
Do you have enough faith to wait upon the Lord? To have the kind of faith we really need? There are some things we can do to get it. Ask yourself how much you really trust God. The Bible says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind and strength”.
If you missed it, it means to trust God with everything. Heads up, if you don’t tithe off the top all the time, you have weak faith. We as Christians are trusting God with our very souls, can we trust in him with our money? By the way it’s not our money, it’s all His (not a 10th).
“How have we robbed you? In our tithe and offerings.” The only way God could say we didn’t robbed Him from offerings is if He has control of all our money.
But, if He doesn’t have control over all of it our faith is weak at best. Anything we do not put under the control of God, Satan will take control of.
If you cannot trust God with all your money Satan will take control of it to use as he sees fit. Someone about now is thinking you’re stuck on the money what else. The fact is if we cannot get past the money (trusting God with it all of it) I don’t think we need to go on.
God wants us to live in the light we have and then He gives us new light.
If we dig in against the light we already have, I think you get the point.
When at college my wife and I were invited for dinner and to watch a movie, when we were watching the movie, it was not a very nice movie.
When parts came on that were not right for us to watch we turned our backs, hoping to make a point.
After the movie was over we took the opportunity to talk to them about it.
The gal told me that if it made her want to do those things it would be wrong but, since it didn’t there was nothing wrong with it. We again tried to talk with them and was told when God tells me to cut it out, I will. We have no right to tell God to tell us to specially do something He has told all of us.
That’s not faith, that’s abuse. What next, God I’ll only have one wife if you tell me not to marry this other woman. “No one can please God without faith. Faith is believing whatever God tells us and then practicing whatever He tells us. So let me ask is your faith an active faith? Is your faith activated on the word of God?