Despite conflict, resistance, Christ is the restoration

Published 12:00 am Saturday, September 27, 2014

I have found myself hooked for the umpteenth time on C.S. Lewis’ Chronicles of Narnia series.

This leisure reading is done at the end of the day as a way to unwind and quiet my busy mind.

Most of my daytime reading is a compilation of scripture, commentaries, online articles and various other books that relate to my vocation, much like most of us. However at home, I will switch back and forth from the light to the more intense.

Not always, but often, what I am reading at home is a balance of what is going on in my daily life.

If I am particularly stretched with various things at work or in the community, I tend to ‘escape’ into my favorites, Tolkien, Lewis or even a simple western.

I do vary at home with a good classic or even a best seller every now and then.

In truth, I like to read a book a couple of times over; it takes me that many passes to get it.

Whatever the case may be, for now it is onto Narnia and book four, Prince Caspian.

What got me thinking about this is last night, I realized for the first time that book four is about rebirth.

The old Narnia has seemingly died away or passed out of the memory of the new inhabitants of the land.

Only the old sages and servants of the current rulers remember the ancient story and Aslan the Lion, the Christ figure.

What struck me last night as I was reading, was the process of rebirth.

The ancient story was told, and embraced as true by first a few, and then these believers began to discover that others believed, and together they began an amazing journey of rediscovery.

The more they journeyed, the more they ran into others who knew the story and were just waiting for someone to encourage or lead the rebirthing of hope and life, as it could be and should be.

Yes, in the midst of this journey there was conflict and resistance but in the conflict and resistance, Aslan appeared.

Appeared not as Savior who died, he had done that already, once for all but rather as comforter, counselor and guide. Hmm sounds familiar, ‘and I will send you another counselor to be with you forever’ John 14:16. What follows is new life, restored Narnia.

Since Christ came lived, died, rose again and sent the promise of the Holy Spirit, we are in truth in the midst of the great rebirth.

What C.S. Lewis conveys in his Chronicles of Narnia, is the biblical story of rebirth and discovery.

The more the story is told, the more those who believe will be drawn together and the more the world will come to see its beauty and truth.

Yes, conflict and resistance will occur, but Christ will be in the midst, bringing about final restoration.

So, let us not lose heart and “let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him, endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12:2