Published 12:00 am Sunday, September 28, 2014


Red Level’s Tigers put an end to a losing steak in a big way Friday night in Bobby Dye Stadium., defeating J.F. Shields 53-0. It was homecoming, to boot.

Red Level had lost 30-straight games going into the homecoming game. The packed home bleachers were still full when the shut-out ended.

Tigers head football coach David Godwin simply told his team, “Y’all go enjoy this.”

“I don’t know much about that,” the second-year head coach said when asked about the streak that ended with the win. “Everybody will be 0-0 again come Monday. We focus on the game ahead of us.”

Shelby Holley, right, was crowned homecoming queen in pre-game activities.

Ironically, the grandson of the late coach for whom the stadium was named, played for the visitors.

Michele Gerlach/Star-News