Inter Se learns about Blue Lake Methodist Camp

Published 12:37 am Saturday, October 4, 2014

The Inter Se Club held the first meeting for the year 2014-2015 at the Andalusia Public Library in the Dixon Room.

Twenty-three members were in attendance.

Hostesses for the October meeting were Juanita Anauo and Mary Lee Howard.

The room was beautifully decorated in a fall theme, including each table.

Delicious refreshments were served.

President Nancy Davis called the meeting to order.

She welcomed guests Sharon Parham, Dottie Smith, Steve and Elaine Lewandowski and Phyllis Murray.

Harriet Smith, leader, introduced Phyllis Murray, who presented a program entitled, “Blue Lake-A Place Apart.”

Murray served as executive director of Blue Lake Camp starting in May of 2009 until she recently retired.

Blue Lake United Methodist Camp has been in existence for more than 60 years.

The first camp was held in tents with the cooking done over an open fire.

Today, there are three modern camp sites, plus a gymnasium.

The dream of Dr. and Mrs. S.M. Baker, Mr. And Mrs. E.E. Anthony, and Mr. and Mrs. Mike Maddox to have a camp ground started with a picnic on the shoreline of Blue Lake.

Those early participants would be amazed at the progress the years have brought.

There are now 525 beds available for campers who want to learn about nature, to be able to run, swim and enjoy the wonderful Blue Lake Camp.

The mission of Blue Lake Assembly is to be a center of Christian hospitality and learning to help people affirm their faith in God and their service as Christian disciples.

After the informative program, a business session was held.

The Pledge to the Flag and the Collect was read. Committee reports were heard. Secretarial minutes were read and the treasurer reported. Officers for the coming year are: President Nancy Davis; Vice-President Lanette Goodyear; Recording Secretary Judy Buck; Corresponding Secretary Harriet Smith; Treasurer Ann Lewis; Parliamentarian Dot Burkett and Press Secretary Judy Buck.