AHS class of ‘59 reunites
Published 12:39 am Saturday, October 25, 2014
Forty-something members of the Andalusia High School Class of ’59 convened at the Point A River home of Bill and Barbara Rawls Thaxton for a Saturday of barbeque, hugs and handshakes, catching up on stories and fun. This reunion comes five years after the Class’s Big 50. Organizer Tommy O’Neal, along with Barbara Rawls Thaxton, Jean Enzor Everett, Diana Pelham Bledsoe, Mary Snowden Kanaley and Glen Kendrick, met the classmates, spouses, and guests for an afternoon of viewing football games, renewing friendships, taking photo shoots and enjoying an entertaining program given by classmate, Martha Hornsby Brennan from Charlotte, N.C. She performed a program centered on hula dancing, its origin and meaning.
Martha is a student of dance and a member of a hula dancing performing group in Charlotte.
The meal of barbeque, baked beans, coleslaw and Southern fried peach and apple pies was catered by Patricia Grace of Dozier’s Amazing Grace Café.
Those attending the event were: Tommy O’Neal, John and Jean Enzor Everett, Lana Sue Tyson Rose, Diana Pelham Bledsoe, Bob and Gloria Campbell, Robert and Lynn Sanders, Margaret Jean Prestwood Vaughn, Martha Hornsby Brennan, Bobby and Bobbi Grimes, Wayne and Elaine King, Glen Kendrick, Judy Stokes, Don and Janice Turner Aucoin, Bill and Gerri Hansford, Charles and Julianne Floyd Ward, Richard Merrill, John and Corrie Mae Anderson Owens, Jim, and Betty Alterman Grimes, Tom and Mary Snowden Kanaley, Ashton and Katy Sue Meredith Wells, and Nick and Barbara Meredith Nichols. Granddaughter, Grace Ann, and daughter, Kim Gallagher, joined the Thaxtons in hosting the event. Max and Sandra Sasser Mathews joined some of the group on Friday night at a reunion event at the Andalusia Country Club.