OCAC Community Choir to perform ‘Messiah’

Published 12:33 am Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Residents wanting to share their voices will find an outlet through the Opp Cultural Arts Center sponsored Christmas concert.

The OCAC is sponsoring the Community Choir Christmas Concert, which will present Handel’s “Messiah” on Thurs., Dec. 18, at the Opp High School Auditorium. Admission will be free.

“The community arts center is not just about visual arts, it’s about performing arts, too,” OCAC volunteer Eugenia Loggins said. “A lot of people with musical training that have performed or like to sing have said they would like to get together. We have helped facilitate this concert and the one in July that Josh Hall directed.”

“Chris Whitey, who is the music director at the First Baptist Church in Opp, said he would take on the Christmas program, and he’s chosen to do five or six choruses from ‘Messiah’,” Loggins said. “We still need people to come sing, and they shouldn’t be afraid of ‘Messiah’.

“We’re not trying to run it, just build some interest,” she said.

Loggins said she encourages anybody that likes to sing and would like to sing something a little different to attend practices.

“I hope people will be interested,” she said. “If people are interested in having this in Opp, they need to come out and sing.”

There is no set age range, just old enough to sing, she said.

Practices are being held through November on Tuesday nights at 7 p.m. at the First Baptist Fellowship Center.

Anyone interested in meeting neighbors, having fun and being part of a beautiful, musical presentation is encouraged to contact the OCAC at 334-764-4611.