2 arrested for trafficking pot

Published 12:00 am Thursday, December 25, 2014

The smell of marijuana was prevalent in a vehicle stopped for speeding Tuesday evening, and two Opp residents are now behind bars.

Covington County Sheriff’s Deputy Nick Stanley arrested two men when the vehicle they were operating passed him heading north between Florala and Opp at speeds in excess of 70 mph.

“Stanley said they sped up after they passed him, and he caught them on the radar at around 75 mph,” DTF Agent Nathan Franks said. “He said he could pretty much smell the weed when he got up to the vehicle.”

During a search of Domanick Marsh, 25, Stanley found two small packets of marijuana, which led to a search of the vehicle.

“He searched the vehicle and found about 2.8 pounds in the trunk,” Franks said.

Marsh and passenger Emmanuel Lane, 28, were arrested on trafficking charges.

Franks said the men didn’t say where they received the drugs or where they were taking them, but heard from some people that the men were coming from the Crestview, Fla. area.

To be considered a trafficking violation, 2.2 pounds of the substance is needed, Franks said.

Marsh and Lane are currently being held in the Covington County Jail on charges of trafficking and possession of drug paraphernalia, and each is held on a $300,000 bond.