Businesses, community buy new chemo chairs for cancer center

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, January 14, 2015


Eight chairs have successfully been purchased for Sacred Heart Cancer Center’s Andalusia facility, thanks to efforts from two cancer patients, businesses and the community.

In October, J.D. Fowler and Candace Hudson, both of whom utilize Sacred Heart for their chemo treatments, announced they were organizing a benefit to raise money for the special chairs.

“Our thing is to be able to help anyone who may be in our situation that comes next,” Hudson said then. “We want to make it comfortable for people who have to sit during treatment for hours.”

Charles and Betty Smith of CareMed purchased two chairs initially.

“Sacred Heart Cancer Center has been given so much community support during these last few months,” said Chanel Giddens of Sacred Heart. “Charles and Betty taught each of us a lesson on faith and believing. They really stepped out on a limb for this center.”

Giddens said Cancer Freeze also purchased a chair and helped with the November fundraiser.

“They were awesome,” she said. “I cannot say enough about Jennifer and Caleb Davidson with Cancer Freeze.”

PowerSouth also purchased a chair.

“As soon as PowerSouth knew there was a need, employees personally delivered a check to the center to purchase a chair,” Giddens said. “Our patients and the community raised the rest of the money for the remaining four chairs with donations, T-shirt sales and the benefit from Nov. 1. We are truly blessed and very grateful.”