Annual women’s expo slated for Feb. 7

Published 10:44 pm Friday, January 16, 2015

There are lots of treats in store for area women who participate in the second annual Women’s Expo, set for Feb. 7 at the Kiwanis Community Center.

Sponsored by the Women’s Advisory Board of Andalusia Regional Hospital, the event showcase local businesses, and encourages women to take time to put themselves first.

Nancy Dove will kick off the event with a motivational talk, and local health care workers will do quick medical screenings.

This year’s event also will feature a fashion show, coordinated by Cathy Edmondson of Elan, and featuring fashions from Elan and other local boutiques.

A sack lunch and gift bags will be provided free to the first 250 people, and a number of door prizes will be awarded.

Last year, vendors ranged from jewelers to essential oils to home décor, and this year is expected to produce the same variety.

The event is free to vendors, and those interested in participating should contact ARH’s Valerie McCalman at 428-7010 or

The event is set for 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. on Sat., Feb. 7, at the Kiwanis Community Center.