River Falls aims to clean up town

Published 1:55 am Saturday, February 7, 2015

Homeowners in River Falls, who need to clean up, should pay close attention to the River Falls Town Council in the coming months.

At this week’s council meeting, Mayor Pro Tem Mattie Freeney said the town was planning to go ahead with its abatement program.

“We already have an abatement ordinance active,” she said. “We want to establish a process, so we can see about getting the ordinance enforced.”

Freeney said they just want to clean up the town.

“This is something I’ve been wanting to do for a long time,” she said. “It’s important that we make our town look pretty.”

Freeney said that residents need to keep their yards clean and the houses need to be kept up.

“For example, there is a house near mine that has had a tree through the middle of the house since Ivan,” she said. “The homeowners just left it there.”

Hurricane Ivan made landfall in September 2004.

Freeney said other houses are just dilapidated and falling down.

“I don’t know why people do that,” she said.

Right now, Freeney said, the goal is to figure out how to enforce the ordinance.

In other business, the town is in the process of getting the town-owned cemetery mapped.

“We need to find out what plots are available,” she said.

Currently, anyone can just claim a plot.”

After the plots are mapped, Freeney said the town will set a price for the plots.

“We are going to model ours after Andalusia,” she said. “But we are still trying to figure out how much to charge.”