AHS theater sponsoring singing grams
Published 11:32 pm Tuesday, February 10, 2015
What better way to say “I love you” than having someone sing a love song to your beloved?
That’s the idea of the Andalusia High School theater department’s annual singing gram fundraiser.
All this week locals can pay a nominal fee — $15 – and express their love, while helping fund Relay for Life.
There is a large array of songs from which to choose.
Songs include:
• “Love on Top;”
• “Buttercup;”
• “Honey Bee;”
• “Do You Want to Build a Snowman;” and
• “Little Things”
“We thought it was an exciting way to give the community something different and exciting,” said Cavelle Jones, AHS theater teacher. “I also thought it would be great way to share the talents of some of our students with the community while offering a unique service.”
The theater class divides into groups, with each group choosing a song, making it occasion-specific and choreographing a presentation.
Singing grams may be delivered to any business or public building, and for an additional charge, students will deliver a flower, balloon or candy with the “gram.”
For more information or to schedule a singing gram, contact Jones at 222-7559 or email ahssinginggrams@gmail.com.