Pro bow hunter shares testimony

Published 12:00 am Friday, February 20, 2015

Pro bow hunter Scott Verne shares his testimony at the Old School Men's Meeting.

Pro bow hunter Scott Verne shares his testimony at the Old School Men’s Meeting.

Professional bow hunter, Scott Verne, shared his testimony Thursday night with the men at the Old School Men’s Meeting.

The Old School Men’s Meeting is held on the third Thursday of each month at the old school building on HWY. 55. The meeting allows men and boys to come and fellowship together as well as the opportunity to share and hear each other’s testimonies. There is also a free steak and baked potato dinner provided.

Verne, the guest speaker, is a past 3D champion for the states of Alabama and Mississippi, as well as various other championships. Verne is the owner of Bow Hunter Box Shop, and is the founder of Full Draw Ministries where he uses his gifts as an archer to help spread the word of God.

Of all his accomplishments, Verne said that he is the most proud of are his two children, Jessica and Brandon. Verne started by telling a story about hunting with his daughter. He went on to explain how the times spent hunting with his daughter helped grow their relationship, and stressed the importance of a father being involved in his children’s lives.

“As long as I make a difference in their lives, that is what matters,” Verne said of his children.

When his son was 14 years old, Verne said that he asked him that when he turned 16 that he would give him his truck. Verne said he thought it over and decided that if he memorized the book of Jacob, and quoted it to two of his friends and two of Verne’s friends that he could have it. It took him a while to do it, and at one point Verne was told it might be too much to ask.

“In 10 years, that truck will probably be in the junk yard,” Verne said. “The word of God will always be in my son’s heart, though.”

Verne said that for the 35 years of his life that he used his gifts selfishly for his own personal gains. One day though, when they couldn’t go hunting because the island they hunt on between the Alabama and Tom Bigbee River was flooded, they decided to go to church. At this time Verne was not a churchgoer.

“We decided to go to church because I figured the kids needed it,” Verne said. “Within five minutes of being there I realized the kids were all right. It was their dad that needed the message.”

After that Verne said he started to attend church more regularly, and for the first time in his adult life he actually listened to the message being told.

“There were 400 people in that church,” Verne said. “Every week it felt like he was talking about exactly what I was going through, and it felt like the message was just for me.”

Verne said at this time he started to look back at his life, and he didn’t like what he had become. He knew something was missing, but couldn’t figure out just what it was.

“I had plenty of material possessions,” Verne said. “I was getting paid good money to go all over the country and shoot a bow, but it was all just stuff. I wanted more. It was like there was a hole in my life that I was trying to fill with stuff.”

Not long after Verne said his pastor showed up at his house out of the blue.

“For 30 minutes we talked about my favorite subject, me,” Verne said. “Then he said to me, ‘You are a blessed man. Supposed you died tomorrow where would you spend eternity?’ I wasn’t ready for that question, and didn’t know how to answer it. He then prayed the most powerful prayer over me.”

Verne said he didn’t think much about it after the preacher left, because Verne was getting ready to head to Daytona for the race.

Just before returning home from his week in Daytona, Verne’s wife called him to tell him that his good friend Robbie had died in a motorcycle accident.

“I got that call and it was the longest ride home ever,” Verne said. “When I got home, my wife was at work and the kids where at school. I never felt more alone than I did in that moment. I left the house to head to the store, and when I got near I65 I saw the spot where Robbie died. I immediately thought about that question the preacher asked me, and on Feb. 15, 1998, I went into my office got down on my knees and thank God for sending his son to die for my sins, and I asked him to come into my heart.”

Verne said becoming a Christian doesn’t automatically make everything a bed of roses, but that God is always there for you.

“God said I will never leave you, and I will never forsake you,” Verne said. “I now know what it means to have peace in my life.”

Verne said that now he gets to use his gifts to help spread the word of God.