Bulldog soccer notches area win

Published 12:00 am Thursday, March 12, 2015

The Andalusia Bulldog soccer team opened up area play with a 3-2 road victory over Satsuma on Tuesday night.


“It is most important to win area games,” Bulldogs’ coach Tim Ramsden said. “I was proud of the way we played.”


The Bulldogs started off strong, and scored three times in a 15-minute span.


Wain Yongkuma had all three of the Bulldogs’ goals for a hat-trick performance.


“We had a lot of chances to score early,” Ramsden said. “We probably had more chances to score in the first half than we have in any game this year.”


Ramsden said that the mid-fielders played really well, and Kiki Wain and Shelbee Matthews have continued to play well.


With a comfortable lead, the Bulldogs allowed Satsuma to score towards the end of the first half.


“We let them score the first goal late in the first half,” Ramsden said. “It was just on really bad defense that we let the score that first goal. I stressed to them at halftime that it is important not to make those silly mistakes. Wins and losses are the most important, but if it comes down to a tiebreaker they will use goal differential. So it is important to score as many as you can, and have as many clean sheets as possible.”


Ramsden said that Satsuma came out with intensity in the second half, and the Bulldogs started off flat.


“They were all over us to start the second half,” Ramsden said. “We allowed another goal, and it was on a worse play than the first one. The team pulled together in the last 30 minutes, and we weathered the storm.”


The Bulldogs will be back in action tonight at home when Charles Henderson comes to town.


“Charles Henderson is a one of our biggest rivals,” Ramsden said. “They beat us in a very physical game up there earlier in the year, and now we want payback here at home. We need as many fans to come out and support us for this game.”


The Bulldogs next area game will be Thurs., March 19, when they travel to UMS-Wright.