Karate kids net 11 first-place finishes

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Andalusia Isshinryu Karate finished with 11 first place finishes in the Battle of the Beach Martial Arts Championship in Gulf Shores with Allen Butler winning the Youth Black Belt Grand Championship.


Results of the entire team are as follows.


Allen Butler- Youth Black Belt Grand Champion; first-place, black belt weapons and first-place, black belt kata.


Taj Patel- first-place, black belt weapons; first-place, black belt kata and first-place, black belt fighting.


Konner Owens- first-place, semi-knockout fighting; first-place, green belt fighting; second-place, green belt weapons and third-place, green belt kata.


Kila Owens- first-place, semi-knockout fighting; first-place, brown belt kata and second-place, brown belt fighting.


Landon Caldwell- first-place, brown belt fighting; second-place, brown belt kata and third-place, musical forms.


Dalton Spears- first-place, brown belt weapons; second-place, brown belt kata; second-place, musical forms and third-place, brown belt fighting.


Ethan Henderson- third-place, beginner kata and third-place, beginner fighting.