Opp BOE approves personnel hire offers

Published 12:01 am Wednesday, June 10, 2015

The Opp City Board of Education approved personnel changes at a special-called meeting Tuesday afternoon.

The board offered employment to:

• Samantha Russell as counselor at Opp Elementary School;

• Tracy Wyatt as teacher at OES;

• Brian Jones as teacher at Opp Middle School and assistant football coach at Opp High School;

• Megan Wilford as teacher at OMS;

• Kim Christ as Pre-K aide at OES;

• Allison Hines as Pre-K aide at OES;

• Vanessa Hernandez as special ed teacher at OES;

• Lori Edgar as special ed aide at OES;

• Lynn Freeney as special ed aide at OES;

• Jody Adams as special ed aide at OHS;

• Amelia Jackson as English teacher at OHS; and,

• Jacob Nawlin as physical ed teacher at OMS.

Additionally, the board offered a contract for services to Traci Jackson for nursing services for the summer.