Published 12:02 am Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Reina Williams works out during the 5:30 Boot Camp Monday night behind the old Advanced EMS building. | Andrew Garner/Star-News

Reina Williams works out during the 5:30 Boot Camp Monday night behind the old Advanced EMS building. | Andrew Garner/Star-News

Women get fit with boot camp

Yells of support, constant movement and a determination to get better on a physical and mental level — those are traits that women are working toward in the 5:30 Boot Camp class, which meets behind the old Advanced EMS building three nights a week.

Andalusia Health and Fitness Instructor McKena Fore said the group of women meets for around an hour on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Every one of their workouts changes all the time, Fore said.

“We try to do full body exercises that target every muscle we have,” she said.

Fore described the workout as cross training that burns optimal body fat while building and toning muscle.

During the class, students start at different stations that target different areas of the body. Workouts include suicide runs for cardiovascular work; lifting small tires while lunging for shoulder and lower body work; ropes were for shoulder work; a light weight bar was for biceps; a medicine ball was for helping work the lower back and buttocks; and a large tire for legs; and a small sledge hammer for the arms, to name a few.

The boot camp started meeting regularly about a year ago.

Fore said the class met mostly at the high school stadium.

“We love the stadium workouts,” she said.

Fore said one doesn’t have to be a member of Andalusia Health and Fitness to join the boot camp, but the class is free to those who are drafted.