Opp: City can’t cut private cemeteries

Published 12:00 am Thursday, June 18, 2015

For weeks, the Opp City Council has had discussions about the clean up of private cemeteries in the city limits, and earlier this week a concerned resident voiced her opinion at the council meeting.

Jane Jowers, who said she has family at the Hickory Grove Cemetery inquired as to why the city has not cut the grounds.

Mayor John Bartholomew and City Clerk Connie Smith said they consulted with the state Attorney General’s office and it is against the law for the city to cut cemeteries as it would be for them to cut a person’s private yard.

In years past, the city has cut the grass, but Bartholomew said since it’s not legal he won’t do it.

Last summer, councilmembers Bobby Ray Owens and TD Morgan cut the cemetery on their own dimes.

Smith said the city was permitted to cut ditches.