Local libraries await new Lee novel

Published 12:03 am Thursday, July 16, 2015

On Tuesday, the long-awaited, highly controversial release of Harper Lee’s second novel “Go Set A Watchman” came to fruition.

Andalusia Public Library Children’s Librarian Caryl Lee Ray said there are at least a dozen holds from people anxious to read the new book.

“We have had lots of requests,” she said. “People are calling and stopping by.”

downloadRay said she that APL Director Karin Taylor has perused the novel, but they expected to have several copies available by the end of the week.

In Opp, Library Director Courtney Smart said they, too, were waiting on their copies to come in.

“We hope to have them by the end of the week,” she said. “I pre-ordered them back in February and we are just waiting on them to come from Amazon.”

HarperCollins representatives announced in February they had stumbled upon the manuscript of “Go Set a Watchman,” saying it was attached to a “To Kill a Mockingbird” manuscript, according to reports from the New York Times.

Ray said that there is also a waiting list for the Pulitzer-prize winning “To Kill a Mockingbird.”

“We had a copy come in yesterday and go right back out the door,” she said. “People want to get a head start on the story.”

Same is true to the Opp Public Library, Smart said.

“We have four copies of ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ and people are asking for them,” she said.