Summer confidence fueling Opp Lady Bobcats

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, August 11, 2015


The Opp Lady Bobcats’ volleyball team went through a rebuilding year last season, and will be looking to build off the confidence gained during the summer as the enter the 2015 season.


“We are going to be a lot better than we were last year,” Opp coach Bridgette Brantley said. “Last year, we had to build from scratch, but we came close to winning several games.”


This season, the Lady Bobcats return all but one of their players from last season, and have several freshman that are expected to make impacts on the varsity squad.


“Nine of our girls played club volleyball this summer,” Brantley said. “That right there gives them a lot more experience. We don’t have any seniors this year, but our juniors have really stepped up as leaders.”


Last season, the Lady Bobcats managed just three wins during the season, but have already won six games during summer play dates.


“The girls have worked so hard this summer and they have been extremely dedicated,” Brantley said. “Lack of consistency killed us last year, but we have gotten a lot better with that this summer. Last year, we would could get out front early, but we just couldn’t hold out in the end.”


Brantley said that this summer they have practiced three days a week, and the intensity has been great.


“You normally have one or two that you have to stay on top of to hustle,” Brantley said. “But with this group I haven’t had to say anything to them. They are in it for the long haul.”


Brantley also said that the wins during the summer have really helped to boost the confidence of the players.


“Our confidence has grown throughout the summer,” Brantley said. “I’ve been telling them that they are a good team, and now they are starting to see that. They are very excited to start the season. This summer we have also worked on a lot of team bonding, and the girls are really gelling nicely.”


One thing that Brantley said the Lady Bobcats still need to improve on is their mental toughness.


“They have it physically,” Brantley said. “We just have to work on being more mentally tough. Volleyball is a very mental game. If one person is off their game it throws it all off.”


The Lady Bobcats will open up the season on Aug. 28 against the Straughn Lady Tigers.


“We open with Straughn again this year,” Brantley said. “They beat us pretty good last year, but it should be a really good match this season.”




