Opp abates more properties

Published 12:00 am Thursday, August 20, 2015

The City of Opp abated more properties for overgrown weeds.

Among the properties scheduled for abatement was 402 Charles St., which the city recently tore down.

Councilman T.D. Morgan opposed the action, saying that he felt the property owners were being singled out.

City Inspector Wanda Summers said she had received multiple complaints about the house and the others listed.

Summers said she has sent letters and attempted to call all the property owners.

Morgan assured the council that the CHOPP group would take care of the Charles Street property.

The council abated:

• Lot 39 on Sparks Avenue owned by Rex Ronald Lundy;

• 402 Dorsey St., owned by Valerie Seymour Beardsley;

• 203 Graves St., owned by Timothy Sturm; and

• 206 Grover St., The owner was not named in the resolution