Bulldogs prep for T.R. Miller

Published 12:00 am Friday, August 21, 2015


Andalusia football will open up the Trent Taylor era tonight when the Bulldogs travel to Brewton to take on the T.R. Miller Tigers.


The two teams have collided 55 times on the gridiron, with Andalusia holding the series lead at 28-24-2.


Last season, the Tigers knocked off Andalusia 38-15 in the first game of the season. Andalusia is coming off a 5-5 season, but enters the season with high expectations under the new coaching staff.


“What a great challenge to start the season,” Taylor said. “We won’t back down from it, we will go face it.”


Taylor said he doesn’t expect T.R. Miller to do anything differently than they have in the past.


“They may throw in a few wrinkles, but it will be basically the same thing they have always done,” Taylor said. “One of the things I noticed on film from last year was that they (T.R. Miller) had a lot of success with the play action pass. They aren’t going to come out with it, but they will try to establish the run first to set it up.”


Taylor said his only real concern coming into the game will be the Bulldogs’ special teams.


“It may not even be a problem,” Taylor said.  “We just haven’t spent as much time with special teams as we need to, and I’m worried that could show up sometime Friday night.”


With all the coaching changes, Taylor said the team spent most of its time learning the new offense and defense, and not as much time on special teams.


“There are some good things about being in one place for a long time,” Taylor said, “Things like that are already in place, but with us not having spring training, our guys spent most of the summer learning a new offense and defense.”


Offensively, Taylor said the goal for the Bulldogs is to play without miscues, such as stupid penalties and not protecting the football.


Defensively, Taylor said that they will focus on not missing tackles and assignments.


“T.R. Miller is a good football team,” Taylor said. “They are well-coached and they aren’t going to beat themselves.”


For the season as a whole, Taylor said that they haven’t even discussed going undefeated, but they are focusing on reaching their potential.


“Going undefeated hasn’t even come up,” Taylor said. “In division one college football, going undefeated is great because it means you have chance to get in the four-team playoff, but in high school it doesn’t matter. Our goal for the season is to just reach our potential. There is a lot of potential sitting in that locker room.”


As for the Bulldog players, Taylor said they are just ready to play.


“The kids have been great,” Taylor said. “They are plenty confident in each other, and in the coaching staff. They are tired of just practicing they are ready to play.”


Kickoff between the Tigers and Bulldogs will be at 7 p.m.
