Opp Chamber names officers
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, September 9, 2015
Opp Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors has announced that Jennifer Harrison, BB&T, has been elected as vice president and will serve as president for 2016-2017.
Katie Wyatt Fuller, CCB Community Bank, has been elected as second vice president and will serve as president for 2017-2018. The current president is Dr. Jason Cain, LBWCC.
Other board members are Becky Bracke, Marvin McCullough, Scotty Short, Michael Smithart, Jana Wyatt, Dr. Jason Cain, Kyle Gantt Sr., Neil Patel, Stacie Edgar, Robin Pierce, Larry Presley, Dr. Joshua Driver, Joe Richburg, Robin Cobb Spurlin, Jay Spurlin, Charles Willis.