Churches urged to take part in ReadySunday

Published 12:06 am Friday, September 25, 2015

Local faith-based groups are encouraged to educate their congregations this weekend on how to respond when disaster strikes. Covington County EMA Director Susan Harris said she invites all churches to take part in the annual ReadySunday on Sept. 27.

“We have been very fortunate in Covington County that we have not had any disasters in the past few years,” Harris said. “However, we know that the next emergency is coming, but we just don’t know when or what kind it will be.”

Harris said locals can prepare now for the next emergency.

“Our family, friends, church and community depend on it, and ReadySunday provides a compelling reminder to get prepared today,” she said. “It’s each person’s responsibility to have a plan and to be prepared. We would encourage churches to provide information to their congregations about how to be prepared.”

When churches participate in ReadySunday, ReadyAlabama will do the work for them.

ReadyALabama offers a free program with resources customized to your organization’s needs including:

• Registering your church as a ReadySunday particpants at and providing you with a downloadable electronic toolkit;

• Promoting ReadySunday to your congregation by providing pre-written information for your newsletter, website, e-blasts, bulletin board, and other communication vehicles;

• Offering church attendees free family emergency plans and more;

• Providing you with ReadySunday handouts for a table display with emergency preparedness materials and a sample disaster kit on display.

Harris said those who need more information, they can call her at 428-2670.