DTF nabs 5 for drugs

Published 12:31 am Thursday, December 17, 2015

Drug Task Force agents netted several drug arrests on Tuesday.

George Grady

George Grady


“During a search of his person, Grady was found to be in possession of a Percocet, a controlled substance, without a prescription,” Jackson said.

He was arrested and charged with possession of a controlled substance and was held on a $10,000 bond. He has since bonded out of the Covington County Jail.

Late in the day, agents stopped a vehicle driven by Teresa Lynn Butler of the Rose Hill community for a traffic violation.

Lynn Butler

Lynn Butler

“During the stop, agents noticed her to be very nervous and asked for consent to search her vehicle,” Jackson said. “But (she) refused consent to search the vehicle. A police K9 was deployed. The K9 alerted to the presence of narcotics in the vehicle.”

Jackson said a search netted methamphetamine and a glass tube meth smoking device.

Butler was arrested for possession of a controlled substance and possession of drug paraphernalia and bond was set at $13,000.

Stanley Jason Bennett

Stanley Jason Bennett

Another traffic stop landed Stanley Jason Bennett of the Antioch community in jail.

Jackson said that police stopped Bennett for a traffic violation and he didn’t have a driver’s license.

“During a pat down of Bennett, agents located a syringe with methamphetamine residue and the subsequent search of his vehicle revealed drug paraphernalia,” Jackson said.

Bennett was arrested for possession of a controlled substance and possession of drug paraphernalia and was held on a $13,000 bond.

Jackson said agents were called to Ellis Street in Andalusia by the Andalusia Police Department.

Patrick Shufford

Patrick Shufford

“Officers told agents they could smell the odor of marijuana coming out of the residence where they were attempting to serve a warrant,” he said. “Agents made contact at the residence with Hallie Renee Riggs and Patrick Leshun Shufford.”

Jackson said a search of the residence revealed an amount of marijuana for more than personal use and drug paraphernalia.

Both Riggs and Shufford were charged with possession of marijuana first degree and possession of drug paraphernalia, and held on a $13,000 bond.