Kids talk Santa, reindeer

Published 12:00 am Thursday, December 24, 2015

How does Santa get down the chimney and what does he feed his reindeer? That’s what kids from Andalusia Elementary School answered before school dismissed for Christmas break.

“He flies up to the roof on his sleigh and then he just jumps down the chimney,” Owen Hall said.

Malachi Myers

Malachi Myers

Malachi Myers said it’s magic that gets Santa down the chimney.

“He puts magic dust on his reindeer to fly him up and then he uses the magic dust to get skinny and slide down the chimney.”

Other kids said that the reindeer where able to fly because of their collars.

“They have special jingle bell powers on their collars that give them magic so they can fly, and they like to eat carrots. I left out carrots last year so that Santa’s reindeer could grab something to nibble on during their busy night.”

Jon Thomas Williamson said he thinks the magic comes from potion.

“Santa and the reindeer all share magic potion that lets the reindeer fly and lets Santa get down the chimney,” Williamson said. “Santa almost crashes on the roof and then he just slides down the chimney.”

Zavion Grace envisions more of a ninja-like Santa.

“Santa back flips on to the roof and then he back flips down the chimney,” Grace said. “The reindeer eat space paper… I mean carrots.”

Layla Gunter

Layla Gunter

Layla Gunter said that Santa has to be careful when he lands on the roof.

“The reindeer have magic collars that help them fly and once they land on the roof Santa tries very carefully to stay on his hands and feet. When he goes down the chimney he looks to see if there is a fire and if there is he goes back to get some water to put it out.”

Cooper Duffy

Cooper Duffy

Cooper Duffy said Santa uses magic to slide his way into the house.

“The reindeer fly Santa up to the roof and if he spots a fire in the chimney he uses magic to slide down the heater.”

William Grimes said that Santa gets his magic from his toy sack.

“First the reindeer fly Santa to the roof and then the toy sack has magical powers to get him down the chimney.”

Grimes also had interesting idea on what the reindeer eat.

“Some magic stuff that is like corn mixed with dog food.”