Rabren learning the ropes of college golf

Published 12:00 am Friday, December 25, 2015

1225-spt-Brooks-RabrenFormer Straughn Tiger Brooks Rabren had a successful fall season in his first year with the University of South Alabama Jaguars golf team, and looks to build off the strong start.

“It went well,” Rabren said of his first semester at college. “It took some getting use to for sure. Coming from a school like Straughn where I knew all the teachers since I was 8, it took a little adjusting with things like that. In high school, when we missed a few days of school, I could make up the work in a day, but here when you miss a few days you can be loaded down with missed assignments. It has really helped me putting together firm schedule and sticking to it. I’ve learned a lot about time management.”

Rabren said that learning time management has been crucial to his adjustment period.

“Making sure you have the time to get everything done that you have to do that day is very important,” Rabren said. “Waking up for 6 a.m. workouts, then 8 a.m. class, more class, practice in the afternoon and then homework in the evening. There is never any idle time. This is going to help me out in the future, and not just with golf.”

As for golf, Rabren said the fall had its ups and downs, but overall he was pleased.

“It went pretty good,” Rabren said. “We had a decent fall, and it gave be something to build on. It was good chance to become acclimated and help me get going into spring.”

The Jaguars put together a decent fall season, but Rabren said that they have a chance to be much better.

“We didn’t play as well as a team as we would have liked too, but it gives us something to build on.” Rabren said. “It was definitely an adjustment for me going from junior golf to college golf, as it is for anyone going from one level to another. I played decent, and it highlighted some of the things that I need to work and focus on.”

Overall for his college experience, Rabren said it has been great.

“I’ve enjoyed it a lot,” he said. “It’s great having all your teammates looking to accomplish the same goal. It’s been great so far.”

Rabren and the Jaguars will kickoff the spring season with a home tournament on Feb. 22-23. Two weeks after that the Jaguars will head to Auburn for a tournament.

“Our first two tournaments in the spring will be on courses that I have played several times, and I know them well,” Rabren said. “After that, we go out to Iowa and that is going to be all brand new to me. It’s a different climate and different grass than I’ve ever played on before.”