Work doesn’t stop for emergency personnel

Published 12:00 am Friday, December 25, 2015

Amy Byrd mans the E911 call center on Thursday. E911, hosptials and other emergency personnel will be at work today.

Amy Byrd mans the E911 call center on Thursday. E911, hosptials and other emergency personnel will be at work today.

While most will be at home with families on Christmas Day, those who work in emergency services will be on the job.

“We wish everything would be on pause for the holidays, but emergencies never stop,” E911 dispatcher Amy Byrd said. “We still get a lot of medical calls and stuff over the holidays.”

Byrd said that there always has to be someone at the call center to page out emergency crews when needed.

This week has been busy for Byrd as well, but it hasn’t been the normal emergencies.

“We have been extremely busy with people calling from out of town to check on road closures to see if they can get to their families.”

Byrd said, “Emergencies don’t take a break for the holidays.”