Mizell installs new CT scanner

Published 1:49 am Friday, January 8, 2016


Mizell Memorial Hospital recently installed a new 64-slice CT scanner, officials announced this week.

“We are very excited because there was a great need for this machine in the radiology department,” said Chad Smith, radiology director at MMH. “We were using a much older scanner and facing many challenges that are now eliminated with the use of this state-of-the-art equipment.”

Smith said the new CT scanner has the ability to perform much more complex imagining examinations and will allow technologists to perform quicker and more accurate scans.

“The speed of the scanner also minimizes motion, a major challenge associated with old CT scanners, and because the slices are much thinner than before, clearer images are produced,” he said.

Additionally, the computer and software are also much more powerful, which allows for quicker manipulation of images and data for the radiologist.

The software has the capability to produce 3D pictures.

“We wanted to offer our patients the best service that improves the quality of care that we provide at Mizell Memorial Hospital,” Smith said.