Relay for Life 5 shy of team goal for 2016

Published 1:42 am Saturday, January 9, 2016


April’s Relay for Life event may be a few months away, but organizers have already secured 15 teams, just five shy of this year’s goal.

Randi Bozeman, publications/team ambassador, said this year’s fundraising goal is $100,000.

“Our next meeting is Jan. 19, at 6 p.m., at the Holiday Inn Express,” she said. “We encourage everyone to join this cause.”

The committee kicked off the event in the fall, and this year’s theme is Festivals Around the World.

The event is slated for April 22, at the Kiwanis Fairgrounds.

Bozeman said that the Relay for Life pageant is today at the LBWCC Martha and Solon Dixon Center for Performing Arts.

The first of three pageant categories will be at 2 p.m.; the second will be at 4 p.m.; and the last set will be at 6 p.m.

Admission is $5 and proceeds go to benefit Relay for Life.