22K+ voters on published list
Published 2:12 am Wednesday, February 10, 2016
In today’s print edition of The Star-News, there is a list of 22,798 people registered to vote in Covington County.
Alabama law requires the probate judge to publish the names. The list also appears in this week’s editions of The Opp News and The Florala News.
Probate Judge Ben Bowden said registered voters should check to make sure they are listed, and that those who are not listed still have time to correct their voting records or register to vote.
The deadline for voter registration is 14 days prior to the March 1 primary. However, because Mon., Feb. 15, is a state holiday, the deadline will be this Fri., Feb. 10.
Bowden reminds potential voters who might have heard news reports of people registering to vote on election day that that is not possible in Alabama.
“But people still have three ways to register,” he said.
“You can come to our office, and we will give you a form, which you can complete and leave there,” he said.
“The second way is to go out to the board of registrars’ office, which is the most sure way,” he said.
The probate office is located in the courthouse; the board of registrars are housed in the county administration building.
“The third way is to go online and do it,” Bowden said.
The online registration is open only to those who have a valid Alabama driver’s license. The process begins at https://www.alabamavotes.gov/olvr/intro.aspx.
Paper applications also can be downloaded and mailed to the board of registrars.
Those who think they have registered, but don’t see their names on the list should visit the board of registrars.
“If your name was left off, they can fix that,” Bowden said, adding that it is easier to fix prior to the election than on election day.
Bowden said there are two things that are driving voter registrations.
“One is the secretary of state spearheaded an initiative to make sure people who come in our office to do something with driver’s licenses are given a chance to register,” he said. “So we are up over 200 more registrations since we started that initiative.”
Bowden also said he thinks the Trump effect will get more people registered.
“I think even by the time we get to March 1, there is going to be a lot of people who are not regular voters who are going to want to come out and vote for Donald Trump,” Bowden said. “I think you will see people registering in the next few days.”