Published 12:48 am Saturday, March 5, 2016

Winners of the third grade character dress up at Straughn Elementary School were: First place Jackson Bishop as George Washington; Second place Molly Kate Mooney as paperdoll; and Third place Ethan Henderson as Goosebumps Dummy.

Winners of the second grade character dress up at Straughn Elementary School were: First place Tyler McGinnis as What Pet Should I Get; Second place Maggie Short as Santa Bear and Third place Braleigh Nall as Nancy Clancy.
Courtesy photos

Winners of the first grade character dress up at Straughn Elementary School were: First place Mary Grace Hammett as Cinderella; Second place Abby Driver as Red Riding Hood; and Third place Kinsey Riseling as Story of Moses.

Winners of the fourth grade character dress up at Straughn Elementary School were: First place Emma Messer as Cindy Lou Who; Second place Anna Driver as Laura Ingalls and Third place Kaden Wiggins as Lorax.