Supreme Court vote halts immigration amnesty

Published 12:00 am Friday, June 24, 2016

Congressional leaders, AG speaks in favor

The Supreme Court dealt a significant blow to President Barack Obama’s plan to keep millions of illegal immigrants from being deported and give them the right to work in the country.

Lacking a replacement for Justice Antonin Scalia, who died earlier this year, the justices were locked in a 4-4 decision.

The case in question, United States v. Texas, No. 15-674, centered around executive action taken by President Obama that would allow up to 5 million illegals who were parents of United States citizens or lawful permanent residents to participate in a program to allow them to be omitted from deportation and allow them to get work permits.

The president called the program Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents.

The president said, “Today’s decision is frustrating to those who seek to grow our economy and bring a rationality to our immigration system,” he said. “It is heartbreaking for the millions of immigrants who have made their lives here.”

State elected officials voiced their support for block.

Alabama was one of the 26 states which challenged the amnesty program.

Attorney General Luther Strange hailed the Supreme’s Court decision.

“This is a strong victory for the Constitution, the rule of law and for the conservative Attorneys General who took this important case all the way to the highest court in the land and prevailed,” he said.

Sen. Richard Shelby, R-Ala., said, “Today’s Supreme Court decision, which effectively blocks President Obama’s immigration executive actions, is a victory for our system of checks and balances. Time and again, the Obama Administration has attempted to circumvent Congress and push its agenda on the American people through executive fiat. While I am pleased that the Supreme Court has halted this unprecedented power grab for now, today’s decision underscores the importance of electing a president in November who will put a conservative on the Court to defend our Constitution.”

Rep. Marth Roby also expressed her opinions.

“The Supreme Court’s decision affirms the separation of powers, one of the most fundamental governing principles in our Constitution,” she said. “The president cannot legislate or rule like a king. I believe this decision sends a strong message to President Obama and future presidents that constitutional order and the rule of law must prevail in this country.”

Roby said the illegal immigration problem in the United State is real.

“President Obama’s amnesty orders only served to exacerbate the problem by inviting even more illegal immigrants to cross our border and by poisoning any progress Congress could make toward meaningful solutions.”

Not everyone shared those views, however.

“The future of our families is still in our hands,” said Sarai Portillo, executive director of Alabama Coalition for Immigrant Justice, said. “The fight is far from over. Our coalition of powerful immigrant voices and allies are the ones who are protecting the rights and dignity of our people. We are deeply disappointed that the Supreme Court decided not to allow the implementation of President Obama’s executive actions to extend DACA and implement DAPA. The court’s lack of decision means that as many as five million immigrants in the U.S. remain in constant fear of being separated from their families at any time, and possibly deported.”