Mental health town hall meeting July 18
Published 1:55 am Saturday, July 9, 2016
Alabama Mental Health Commissioner Jim Perdue will be in town Mon., July 18, to talk to locals about what they feel are the area’s mental health needs.
South Central Alabama Mental Health Marketing Director Staci Wilson said the event will last approximately 90 minutes.
She said it will begin at 2:30 p.m., with refreshments and Perdue will mingle with the crowd, then provide a brief history of Alabama Department of Mental Health.
“He’ll tell where we are and his vision,” she said. “Then the floor will be opened up for questions and comments.”
Wilson said Perdue is visiting each district throughout the state to give them an opportunity to express their concerns about mental health and things that are important to them.
“Needs down here may not be the same as needs in Birmingham,” she said.
The town hall meeting will be held at City Hall auditorium.