Girls ready to take stage for DYW today

Published 1:47 am Saturday, July 16, 2016

Covington County DYW participants include (Front row) Georgia  and Ashlan Kelly; (middle row) Lillian Andrews, Linsey Smithart, and Aaliyah Lawrence; (back row) Loni Blatz, Sadie Brown and Treleigh Weeks

Covington County DYW participants include (Front row) Georgia and Ashlan Kelly; (middle row) Lillian Andrews, Linsey Smithart, and Aaliyah Lawrence; (back row) Loni Blatz, Sadie Brown and Treleigh Weeks

Participants in this year’s Covington County Distinguished Young Woman competition say they’ve enjoyed the time spent together and that they have really bonded as they prepared for today’s finales.


This year’s Little Sisters (above and below) include Tyler Mitchell, Amber Russell, Caroline Wood, Hannah Bulger, Katherine Finley, Mia Porter, Carrington Ward, Callen Woodard, Olivia Amerson, Lauren Greathouse, Riley Grace Lowery, Madison Griffin, Sarah McClung, and Rebecca Josey.| Photos courtesy of Barbara Peek

“It’s been so much fun,” Aaliyah Lawrence said. “I’m very excited for Saturday.”

Normally, Lawrence would perform a tumbling routine for talent, but recovery from a torn ACL changed her plans. Her talent will be a monologue.

“It’s definitely out of my comfort zone,” she said.

Much of what the young women have done has taken them to that out-of-comfort zone place. The competition, which awards cash scholarships, is based upon academic records (25 percent), interview skills (25 percent), talent performance (20 percent), self expression (15 percent) and fitness routine (15 percent). In preparation, director Cathy Powell said, they have participated in workshops for interview skills, public speaking, creativity and yoga, led by Eric Lidh, John Ferguson, Tara Dalton and Nancy Blackmon.




Georgia Dean said she’s made many new friends.

“Most of them, I knew of them, but we’ve really gotten to know each other better.”

Self expression, she said, is the most challenging part. In this segment, participants are given a topic and asked to speak about themselves. The theme of this year’s show is “Feel the moment,” and for self expression, they will comment on the phrase, “Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.”

Lillian Andrews also said formulating what she’ll say for self expression has been a challenge. But the best part of DYW has been spending a full week with Treleigh Weeks of Opp, who she first met last year when the two participated in DYW as Little Sisters.

For her part, Weeks is anxious about talent performance.

But Linsey Smithart said the fitness routine is the most challenging part of DYW.

Sadie Brown agreed that the week spent in preparation has been bonding with co-participants.

“It’s been really rewarding,” she said.

Other participants are Ashlan Kelley and Loni Blatz.

Performances begin at 2 today, with the talent competition at 2 p.m. The program’s Little Sisters and Distinguished Darlings also will perform.

Fitness, self expression and awards are set for 7 p.m.

All events are in the Dixon Center for the Performing Arts at LBW Community College. Tickets are available at Harold’s, and at the door.