Brundidge seeks re-election in Opp

Published 12:00 am Friday, July 22, 2016

Mary Brundidge has announced she is running for re-election as District 4 councilwomen on the Opp City Council.

Brundidge has many years of experience dealing with the people of Opp. She retired as dispatcher for more 30 years from the Opp Police Department, when she was elected councilwomen four years ago.

Brundidge said she feels her almost 35 years of experience with the city of Opp makes her more than qualified to continue representing Opp’s District 4 on the city council.



She describes herself as a no-nonsense councilwoman and would like to serve another four years to continue fighting the good fight for her residents in District 4.

She said she believes in standing up for what’s right and not bowing down or being bribed by anyone.

She actively interacts with everyone in District 4 and openly invites anyone to stop by her home and talk or call her anytime.

She is very active with the youth in District 4 and she said she believes it’s the duty of the local government to provide more for youth in a positive non-violent atmosphere.  She has worked diligently on the Hardin Street cemetery as well as making sure Barnes Street got re-paved and the community center was renovated, as well as the bridge on MLK drive, and sewage and drainage issues throughout her district. She also made sure Bryant Circle saw updates as well as the Capital Heights area and several dirt roads in her district among numerous other things.

She says she found it easy to work with the other council people but people don’t realize all the closed-door meetings and political red tape a councilperson has to go through to actually get something done for their district.

“ And believe me I have fought tooth and nail for district 4 and I want to continue that fight,” she said. “We have roads in our district that the city says are county and I’ve worked hard and I am continuing to fight to get these roads and drainage problems fixed. So many things need doing but we must have leaders that are willing to work together because it seems nothing hardly gets done when there is so much opposition.”