Jones seeking Speaker’s office

Published 6:06 pm Thursday, July 28, 2016

After weeks of being mum on the matter, Rep. Mike Jones, R-Andalusia, on Wednesday notified fellow House members he is seeking the office of Speaker of the House.

mike-jonesThe job became open when former Rep. Mike Hubbard, R-Auburn, was convicted on 12 felony counts of violating the Alabama Ethics Act.

In an email to other members, Jones said he has been quietly campaigning for the job, but delayed openly campaigning because of his responsibilities in the ongoing impeachment process. Jones chairs the Judiciary Committee, which is overseeing the impeachment process.

It was his goal to not further politicize that process, he said.

“I did not want to openly campaign for the Speaker’s job until we had a special counsel in place.”

Recently, the committed hired Jackson Sharman of the Birmingham firm Lightfoot Franklin White LLC to serve in that capacity for the committee.

“Jackson has experience in similar matters, and I am confident he will both manage the process well and be a dignified public face of that effort,” he said.


Jones, who was first elected to the legislature in 2010, has earned a reputation for thoroughly studying proposed legislation before voting, and for respectfully working with all members , regardless of ideological of political differences. If elected, he said, his goals will be to restore integrity to the House; to pass meaningful legislation that addresses real problems in Alabama; and to manage the House in a way that holds members accountable.


“I believe our first goal should be to conduct the business of the House in a manner that restores integrity, so that we can regain the public trust,” he said. “That goal requires that we elect new leadership.


“I believe our leader should hold all members accountable to do better preparation and due diligence for proposed legislation,” he said. “Passing bills that cannot be constitutionally defended has already cost the state a significant amount of money that could have been used in the General Fund and cost our body valuable time, energy, and resources that could have been used to improve our state.”

He said the Speaker should coordinate with committee chairmen to identify primary issues of the state – primarily General Fund funding, Medicaid and prison overcrowding – and study how other states have solved similar problems.

Jones managed a massive prison reform package passed by the House during the 2015 Session. He also has been a champion of family rights.

“The Speaker must be an example for the body,” he said. “He must demonstrate ethical behavior and show strength of character.”

House Republicans are expected to caucus on Tues., Aug. 2, to begin the process of choosing a Speaker.

It is expected the official election of a new speaker will take place when Gov. Robert Bentley calls the legislature into Special Session to consider a lottery proposal. Bentley announced his intentions to do so earlier this week.

Others seeking the Speaker’s post include Rep. Steve Clouse, R-Ozark, chairman of the House General Fund budget committee; Rep. Lynn Greer, R-Rogersville; Rep. Mac McCutcheon, R-Huntsville, chairman of the House Rules Committee; Rep. Phil Williams, R-Huntsville; Rep. Barry Moore, R-Enterprise; and Rep. Patricia Todd, D-Birmingham.