LBW holds pinning ceremony

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, August 16, 2016


LBW Community College recently held the summer 2016 pinning ceremony in Opp for students completing the practical nursing program. Pictured are, front row from left, Taeshia Johnson of Brantley; Jessica Sanders, Rutledge; Briana Shepherd, Opp; Tori Puckett of Opp, class secretary; Kylie Smith, Florala; standing from left, Samantha Purvines, Laurel Hill, Fla.; Megan Bowman, Andalusia, class president; Keyana Person, Brantley, class vice-president; Amber Anderson, Opp; Laura Duck, Glenwood; Lauren Strickland, Florala; Rene Farris, Elba, class chaplin; and Chelsea Charlton, Opp.