Family loses home to fire, needs help
Published 12:42 am Friday, August 26, 2016
A local family lost everything in a trailer fire Wednesday night.
Andalusia Fire Department was dispatched to Paul’s Trailer Court on Hwy. 55 South, just outside the AFD jurisdiction.
Matthew Wilson said they received the call around 11:30 p.m.
He said when they received the call it was reported that there was someone inside the mobile home.
“We brought both trucks,” he said. “By the time we got there, it was as close to fully involved as you can get with a trailer. There were hot spots.”
Wilson said firefighters were able to knock down the fire pretty quickly and were back at the station in 30 minutes to an hour.
Since the fire was actually in the Libertyville Volunteer Fire Department’s jurisdiction, they turned the fire over to them. Carolina Volunteer Fire Department also responded.
“We let them drop their own lines,” he said.
Early Thursday morning, Libertyville firefighters were called back out to the residence again.
At the time Jessica Johnson, and her two children were at home.
“BJ was at work,” she said. “We appreciate everything the fire department has done. They really did try to save my house.”
The following sizes are needed.
• Little boy 2T-3T, diapers size 5-6;
• Little girl size 7-8;
• Little girl size 10-12;
• Men’s size 42 pants; size 13 shoes and shirts XL-2XL
• Women’s size 7 pants and S-M shirts.
Anyone who would like to make a donation, call 334-542-3796 and 334-208-6323.